Trina Solar to expand manufacturing capacity of 210-mm solar cells
Category: #energy  By Shreshtha Dhatrak  Date: 2020-08-20
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Trina Solar to expand manufacturing capacity of 210-mm solar cells

Trina Solar Co Ltd. has reportedly announced the signing of an investment corporation agreement to expand the solar cell manufacturing capacity. The deal has been signed between this leading PV & smart energy solutions provider with Yancheng Economic & Technological Development Zone’s Management Committee in the Jiangsu province for the capacity expansion of its 210-mm solar cells.

The latest expansion target was set in line with the strategies of Trina Solar, which will add 7.6-GW in the annual production capacity at its production site in Yancheng as well as increase the cell capacity by 2.5-GW outside China. Moreover, the existing production capacity of 2.4-GW in this site will also be upgraded. With the addition of new production capacity and upgradation of existing capacity, the annual capacity of the company will reach 26-GW and offer 70% 210-mm Ultra-High-Efficient cell by 2021 end.

Vertex 600W+ series of Trina Solar will use these 10-GW, 210-mm cells. The new product series has been highly acclaimed in the solar market. Various advantages of the latest move include speeding up of technological innovation, providing a broad space for the reduction of balance of system, as well as leveling the cost of energy for a stable customer income.

Trina Solar has been delivering immense benefits to customers by developing solutions via its research & development platform of the critical PV science and technology laboratory. The company is planning to strengthen its R&D investment in large-size cells & modules. This will aid in enabling the average efficiency of new passivated emitter and rear cells to reach 23% at the beginning of 2020. It will also continuously deploy forward-looking component and battery tech to maintain its leading position in the market.

As per the statement made by Gao Jifan, Trina Solar’s General Manager & Chairman, the company strives towards enhancing its core competitiveness via cost & scale advantages by expanding the production of solar cells, leveraging market opportunities, and increasing profitability.

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Shreshtha Dhatrak    

Shreshtha Dhatrak

Despite having completed her Post Graduate degree in Digital Marketing, Shreshtha always nurtured an innate passion for writing. Currently, she works as a content writer for and similar other portals, where she pens down news articles spanning th...


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