Editorial Policy

The team is committed towards the editorial policy of  Checkingforupdate.com to offer information and news that help readers identify and understand industry developments. The major pillars of this editorial policy include transparency and content that is easy to read, grasp and share.


The journalists and writers of Checkingforupdate.com team ensure that any information referred to or sourced from is credited and linked to, wherever applicable. The objective of this portal is to help its readers keep themselves updated with new happenings and hence the team believes in sharing information that may not be easily accessible to all readers.


The Checkingforupdate.com team scans through a ton of resources and add their viewpoints on a topic before sharing it with their readers. Factually correct information and news that do not simply replicate other sources is a must for each content piece. Standard Operating Procedures to keep the language simple and easy to understand, while keeping the global audience in mind, are in place for the same. The timeliness and relevance of the information is equally important in this process.

Before a content piece goes live, an editorial level quality check happens for plagiarism and validation of facts. Grammatical errors and spelling mistakes are covered under this process.

The content coverage is not limited to news pieces targeting companies alone, and hence the team provides industry level information as well as data on companies and products that help end-users. Similarly, the objective of keeping readers ‘up-to-date’ is met via the practice of ensuring that all information that goes live is no older than 24 to 48 hours across geographies.