Lockheed, TAQNIA to build new ground systems for Saudi Arabia
Category: #business  By Shreshtha Dhatrak  Date: 2020-06-09
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Lockheed, TAQNIA to build new ground systems for Saudi Arabia

TAQNIA, the Saudi investment and technology development company, has recently joined forces with U.S. aerospace and defense company, Lockheed Martin to develop and deploy the latest ground segment for the commercial and operations of SaudiGeoSat-1 (SGS-1).

According to reliable sources, the move comes after the successful operations and launch of Saudi Arabias latest commercial communications satellite, SGS-1. Reportedly, Lockheed was chosen to create a new ground system to manage, operate, and control the satellite.

The ground system supports off-the-shelf commercial broadband solutions, Saudi-centric secure communication services and advanced Ka-band spot beam communications services. The two companies are planning to deploy the system in two phases, with the first commercial system becoming online by the end of 2020, followed by the launch of a secure communications system engineered by Lockheed Martin.

Speaking on the move, Joseph Rank, Lockheed Martin Saudi Arabias Chief Executive Officer, said that this advanced satellite ground system would allow the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to nurture its growing native engineering talent while enjoying the complete advantages of the advanced abilities of SGS-1.

The system would support the integration of future and current Air and Missile Defense Systems, thereby enhancing resiliency and security of the country while further safeguarding its citizens, added Rank.

As for Abdulrahman Alkhathlan, CEO, TAQNIA Holdings, Saudi engineers have worked and trained alongside Lockheed Martins renowned experts on satellite manufacturing. This practical learning experience is playing a significant role in building qualified homegrown talent to support ground components and future satellite production in the country.

Moreover, space is a crucial enabler for national defense solutions and security and aligns perfectly with the countrys Vision 2030. It also caters to accomplish Saudis goals for self-sufficiency, which is crucial for the Kingdoms future, stated Alkhathlan.

Source Credit: https://www.zawya.com/mena/en/press-releases/story/Lockheed_Martin_partners_with_TAQNIA_to_build_new_satellite_ground_system_for_Kingdom_of_Saudi_Arabia-ZAWYA20200607124353/

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Shreshtha Dhatrak    

Shreshtha Dhatrak

Despite having completed her Post Graduate degree in Digital Marketing, Shreshtha always nurtured an innate passion for writing. Currently, she works as a content writer for checkingforupdate.com and similar other portals, where she pens down news articles spanning th...


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