Foxcil partners with Sydney Print Media to produce PPE in large volume

By Shreshtha Dhatrak

Foxcil, a label manufacturer based in Sydney, has recently announced that it is ready to meet the call of the Australian government to produce personal protection equipment, and more importantly face shields.

The innovation design for the FacespacePPE is a low cost solution that will allow large volume production and help meet the demand for the same throughout the community.

Foxcil Managing Director Roger Kirwan elaborated that the company had wished to meet the demand for face shields. Subsequently, the company reviewed the equipment it had, accompanied by the supply chains that the company already has in place. This has led to the all PVC design which provides with several advantages.

Kirwan elaborated that the shield can be lifted and used according to the user’s requirement. The fully PVC design has no elastic or fabric which means that it will be easy to disinfect with the use of disinfectant wipes. This will make the shields useful for multi-purposes compared to the disposable ones, resulting in a reduction of unnecessary waste to landfill.

Kirwan added that face shields have been proven to be an excellent asset in the fight against COVID-19. It protects the users from all sorts if splash and airborne viruses from sneezes and coughs. When it is used over the mouth and nose it provides the best protection to the users. The product also prevents the users from touching their faces which is essentially a known risk factor that contributes to the COVID-19 spread.

Certain solutions that involve technologies like 3D printing will be unable to provide the volume that is required currently. The company has been able to produce nearly 60,000 of the product in one week. Foxcil has collaborated with Sydney Print Media for higher volume manufacturing.

National Sales Manager of Sydney Print Media, David Walsh said that through this partnership with Foxcil, the company can achieve a volume of up to 60,000 in a week while also providing enough help, as much as the company needs.


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Shreshtha Dhatrak

Despite having completed her Post Graduate degree in Digital Marketing, Shreshtha always nurtured an innate passion for writing. Currently, she works as a content writer for and similar other portals, where she pens down news articles spanning the fields of energy, manufacturin...

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